Hello I'm Luuk

Front-end Developer specialized in accessibility and web standards

Me, Myself & I

Hi, I'm Luuk, a Front-end Developer based in the Netherlands.

My journey started as a Full-stack Developer after completing the Application Development course at the ROC of Amsterdam. However, my interest has always been in the front-end, which made me decide to study Front-end Design & Development at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. During this study I delved into topics such as Accessibility, Performance and Web Standards, which made me discover my true love and passion for the web.


  • Fellow Digitals

    Fellow Digitals

  • Commentary Source

    Commentary Source is a tool for providing real-time scores for frisbee matches. Commentators can use these scores and statistics to talk about the match.

  • Toolgankelijk

    Toolgankelijk is an accessibility tool for Vervoerregio Amsterdam. They use it to score the accessibility of their partner websites.

  • De Voorhoede

    De Voorhoede exist for over 10 years. To celebrate this anniversary they wanted a page which will go through all the milestones.

  • Coding The Curbs

    Coding The Curbs is a platform which is trying to innovate the way that city space is being used and allocated.

  • Kanjertraining

    kanjertraining provides lessons at schools where children learn how to interact with each other. They provide a platform where teachers can keep track of scores.

  • Dierenasiels.com

    Dierenasiels.com is a online marketplace for shelters where they can more easily reach people who can adopt their animals.